Previous post: Using Smart Widgets to Integrate Information Access This is the second in a series of posts about our Smart Widget platform. You can also read the first post or find background material about the technology. In our introduction to Smart Widgets, I said that part of our purpose in developing the technology was […]

Next post: Adding Discovery and more to Koha with Smart Widgets. This is the first of a series of blog posts in which we will talk about a concept that we have been developing over the past few years. We call it ‘smart widgets’ to distinguish our approach to widgets from the almost ubiquitous notion […]

One of the problems we’ve had over and over at Index Data is that we build all these cool back-end tools — things like the metasearching middleware Pazpar2 — but then don’t have a good way to show them off. We’ve never really focussed much on building UIs, so we have to do demos that […]

We’re in the business of making access to information easier for people and, most of all, for SOFTWARE that in turn makes that information available to people. A lot of our software is based around a kind of switchboard or functional ‘hub’ model which means that when we extend a capability in ONE area, new […]

If you are a Java shop looking to build web sites on top of Pazpar2 or our MasterKey platform, then MasterKey JSF (mkjsf) could be just the tool to kick-start your project. You know your J2EE and Ajax, and you might be considering JavaServer Faces for your UI development. Or maybe you have already developed […]