Sebastian Hammer delivers keynote at Minitex Connect 2024


From Minitex’s website

Minitex is excited to host Sebastian Hammer at our first in-person Minitex Connect conference on May 14, 2024. Sebastian is the co-founder and president of Index Data, an international software company that develops innovative products and tools for the library ecosystem. 

In 2018, Sebastian helped launch Project ReShare, which is an open source library resource sharing platform that supports discovery, fulfillment, and delivery workflows, with a focus on collaborative, user-centered design. After an extensive search last year, Minitex selected ReShare to replace the VDX system that supports MNLINK. The transition to the new system is currently underway.

The new MNLINK, powered by ReShare and VuFind®, will serve as a comprehensive discovery and interlibrary loan interface, providing library patrons with seamless access to library materials from across Minnesota. This user-friendly system will also enable effortless access to a diverse range of electronic resources including electronic journals, images, and ebooks.

Minitex invited Sebastian to speak at this year’s Minitex Connect conference because of the key role he played in providing MNLINK’s new platform. Sebastian has been working with technology for libraries for his whole career, mostly in the spaces between libraries, creating software and promoting standards to let libraries do more by pooling their resources. His keynote will reflect on the conversations between technology and libraries, and how we can work together to better serve our patrons. You won’t want to miss it!

About Minitex Connect

Minitex Connect will take place Tuesday, May 14th at Hennepin Technical College in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. This year’s theme is “Resource Sharing and the New MNLINK.” The timing is perfect, with MNLINK set to be relaunched just two weeks earlier, on April 30. 

Staff who support interlibrary loan services, or who are interested in any aspect of resource sharing are particularly encouraged to register, but there will be a lot to like for any member from the library community. Sessions will highlight ReShare and VuFind, hot topics in interlibrary loan, tech trends in libraries, resource sharing and delivery, and e-resource accessibility.