YAZ  5.34.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* This file is part of the YAZ toolkit.
2  * Copyright (C) Index Data
3  * See the file LICENSE for details.
4  */
13 #include <config.h>
14 #endif
16 #include <assert.h>
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
23 #include <sys/types.h>
24 #endif
26 #include <sys/time.h>
27 #endif
29 #include <yaz/poll.h>
31 #include <yaz/log.h>
32 #include <yaz/comstack.h>
33 #include <yaz/xmalloc.h>
34 #include <yaz/errno.h>
35 #include "eventl.h"
36 #include "session.h"
37 #include <yaz/statserv.h>
39 static int log_level=0;
40 static int log_level_initialized=0;
42 IOCHAN iochan_create(int fd, IOC_CALLBACK cb, int flags, int chan_id)
43 {
44  IOCHAN new_iochan;
47  {
50  }
52  if (!(new_iochan = (IOCHAN)xmalloc(sizeof(*new_iochan))))
53  return 0;
54  new_iochan->destroyed = 0;
55  new_iochan->fd = fd;
56  new_iochan->flags = flags;
57  new_iochan->fun = cb;
58  new_iochan->force_event = 0;
59  new_iochan->last_event = new_iochan->max_idle = 0;
60  new_iochan->next = NULL;
61  new_iochan->chan_id = chan_id;
62  return new_iochan;
63 }
67 {
68  struct yaz_poll_fd fds;
69  int res;
71  fds.fd = chan->fd;
73  res = yaz_poll(&fds, 1, 0, 0);
74  if (res == 0)
75  return 1;
76  if (!ir_read(chan, EVENT_INPUT))
77  return 0;
78  return 1;
79 }
81 int iochan_event_loop(IOCHAN *iochans, int *watch_sig)
82 {
83  do /* loop as long as there are active associations to process */
84  {
85  IOCHAN p, nextp;
86  int i;
87  int tv_sec = 3600;
88  int no_fds = 0;
89  struct yaz_poll_fd *fds = 0;
90  int res;
91  time_t now = time(0);
93  for (p = *iochans; p; p = p->next)
94  no_fds++;
95  fds = (struct yaz_poll_fd *) xmalloc(no_fds * sizeof(*fds));
96  for (i = 0, p = *iochans; p; p = p->next, i++)
97  {
98  time_t w, ftime;
100  yaz_log(log_level, "fd=%d flags=%d force_event=%d",
101  p->fd, p->flags, p->force_event);
102  if (p->force_event)
103  tv_sec = 0; /* polling select */
104  if (p->flags & EVENT_INPUT)
106  if (p->flags & EVENT_OUTPUT)
108  if (p->flags & EVENT_EXCEPT)
110  if (p->max_idle && p->last_event)
111  {
112  ftime = p->last_event + p->max_idle;
113  if (ftime < now)
114  w = p->max_idle;
115  else
116  w = ftime - now;
117  /* tv_sec will be minimum wait.. */
118  if (w < tv_sec)
119  tv_sec = (int) w; /* can hold it because w < tv_sec */
120  }
121  fds[i].fd = p->fd;
122  fds[i].input_mask = input_mask;
123  }
124  res = yaz_poll(fds, no_fds, tv_sec, 0);
125  if (res < 0)
126  {
127  if (yaz_errno() == EINTR)
128  {
129  xfree(fds);
130  if (watch_sig && *watch_sig)
131  break;
132  continue;
133  }
134  else
135  {
136  yaz_log(YLOG_WARN|YLOG_ERRNO, "yaz_poll");
137  xfree(fds);
138  continue;
139  }
140  }
141  now = time(0);
142  for (i = 0, p = *iochans; p; p = p->next, i++)
143  {
144  int force_event = p->force_event;
145  enum yaz_poll_mask output_mask = fds[i].output_mask;
147  p->force_event = 0;
148  if (!p->destroyed && ((output_mask & yaz_poll_read) ||
149  force_event == EVENT_INPUT))
150  {
151  p->last_event = now;
152  (*p->fun)(p, EVENT_INPUT);
153  }
154  if (!p->destroyed && ((output_mask & yaz_poll_write) ||
155  force_event == EVENT_OUTPUT))
156  {
157  p->last_event = now;
158  (*p->fun)(p, EVENT_OUTPUT);
159  }
160  if (!p->destroyed && ((output_mask & yaz_poll_except) ||
161  force_event == EVENT_EXCEPT))
162  {
163  p->last_event = now;
164  (*p->fun)(p, EVENT_EXCEPT);
165  }
166  if (!p->destroyed && ((p->max_idle && now - p->last_event >=
167  p->max_idle) || force_event == EVENT_TIMEOUT))
168  {
169  p->last_event = now;
170  (*p->fun)(p, EVENT_TIMEOUT);
171  }
172  }
173  xfree(fds);
174  for (p = *iochans; p; p = nextp)
175  {
176  nextp = p->next;
178  if (p->destroyed)
179  {
180  IOCHAN tmp = p, pr;
182  /* We need to inform the threadlist that this channel has been destroyed */
183  statserv_remove(p);
185  /* Now reset the pointers */
186  if (p == *iochans)
187  *iochans = p->next;
188  else
189  {
190  for (pr = *iochans; pr; pr = pr->next)
191  if (pr->next == p)
192  break;
193  assert(pr); /* grave error if it weren't there */
194  pr->next = p->next;
195  }
196  if (nextp == p)
197  nextp = p->next;
198  xfree(tmp);
199  }
200  }
201  }
202  while (*iochans);
203  return 0;
204 }
205 /*
206  * Local variables:
207  * c-basic-offset: 4
208  * c-file-style: "Stroustrup"
209  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
210  * End:
211  * vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab
212  */
Header for COMSTACK.
int yaz_errno(void)
returns errno
Definition: errno.c:31
Header for errno utilities.
int iochan_event_loop(IOCHAN *iochans, int *watch_sig)
Definition: eventl.c:81
IOCHAN iochan_create(int fd, IOC_CALLBACK cb, int flags, int chan_id)
Definition: eventl.c:42
int iochan_is_alive(IOCHAN chan)
Definition: eventl.c:66
static int log_level
Definition: eventl.c:39
static int log_level_initialized
Definition: eventl.c:40
Definitions for event loop handling for GFS.
Definition: eventl.h:52
Definition: eventl.h:49
Definition: eventl.h:50
void statserv_remove(IOCHAN pIOChannel)
Definition: statserv.c:928
void(* IOC_CALLBACK)(struct iochan *i, int event)
Definition: eventl.h:43
Definition: eventl.h:51
void yaz_log(int level, const char *fmt,...)
Writes log message.
Definition: log.c:487
int yaz_log_module_level(const char *name)
returns level for module
Definition: log.c:586
Logging utility.
#define YLOG_WARN
log level: warning
Definition: log.h:46
#define YLOG_ERRNO
log level: append system error message
Definition: log.h:50
int yaz_poll(struct yaz_poll_fd *fds, int num_fds, int sec, int nsec)
poll wrapper for poll or select
Definition: poll.c:161
Poll, select wrappers.
#define yaz_poll_add(var, value)
Definition: poll.h:76
select/poll masks .. timeout is "output" only
Definition: poll.h:41
@ yaz_poll_read
Definition: poll.h:43
@ yaz_poll_except
Definition: poll.h:45
@ yaz_poll_none
Definition: poll.h:42
@ yaz_poll_write
Definition: poll.h:44
int ir_read(IOCHAN h, int event)
Definition: seshigh.c:266
Internal header for GFS.
Header for GFS (Obsolete. Use yaz/backend.h)
Definition: eventl.h:46
int fd
Definition: eventl.h:47
time_t max_idle
Definition: eventl.h:58
struct iochan * next
Definition: eventl.h:60
int chan_id
Definition: eventl.h:61
time_t last_event
Definition: eventl.h:57
int force_event
Definition: eventl.h:53
int destroyed
Definition: eventl.h:56
int flags
Definition: eventl.h:48
Definition: eventl.h:54
select/poll fd info
Definition: poll.h:50
enum yaz_poll_mask output_mask
Definition: poll.h:54
enum yaz_poll_mask input_mask
Definition: poll.h:52
int fd
Definition: poll.h:56
Header for memory handling functions.
#define xfree(x)
utility macro which calls xfree_f
Definition: xmalloc.h:53
#define xmalloc(x)
utility macro which calls malloc_f
Definition: xmalloc.h:49