Uses of Class

Uses of CQLNode in org.z3950.zing.cql

Subclasses of CQLNode in org.z3950.zing.cql
 class CQLAndNode
          Represents an AND node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLBooleanNode
          Represents a boolean node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLNotNode
          Represents a NOT node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLOrNode
          Represents an OR node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLPrefixNode
          Represents a prefix node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLProxNode
          Represents a proximity node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLRelation
          Represents a relation between a CQL index and term.
 class CQLSortNode
          Represents a sort node in a CQL parse-tree.
 class CQLTermNode
          Represents a terminal node in a CQL parse-tree.

Methods in org.z3950.zing.cql that return CQLNode
 CQLNode CQLGenerator.generate()
          Generates a single random CQL query.
 CQLNode CQLBooleanNode.getLeftOperand()
          The root of a parse-tree representing the left-hand side.
 CQLNode CQLBooleanNode.getRightOperand()
          The root of a parse-tree representing the right-hand side.
 CQLNode CQLSortNode.getSubtree()
 CQLNode CQLPrefixNode.getSubtree()
          The root of a parse-tree representing the part of the query that is governed by this prefix definition.
 CQLNode CQLParser.parse(String cql)
          Compiles a CQL query.

Methods in org.z3950.zing.cql with parameters of type CQLNode
static byte[] CQLNode.makeQuery(CQLNode root, Properties properties)

Constructors in org.z3950.zing.cql with parameters of type CQLNode
CQLAndNode(CQLNode left, CQLNode right, ModifierSet ms)
          Creates a new AND node with the specified left- and right-hand sides and modifiers.
CQLBooleanNode(CQLNode left, CQLNode right, ModifierSet ms)
CQLNotNode(CQLNode left, CQLNode right, ModifierSet ms)
          Creates a new NOT node with the specified left- and right-hand sides and modifiers.
CQLOrNode(CQLNode left, CQLNode right, ModifierSet ms)
          Creates a new OR node with the specified left- and right-hand sides and modifiers.
CQLPrefixNode(String name, String identifier, CQLNode subtree)
          Creates a new CQLPrefixNode inducing a mapping from the specified index-set name to the specified identifier across the specified subtree.
CQLProxNode(CQLNode left, CQLNode right, ModifierSet ms)
          Creates a new PROX node with the specified left- and right-hand sides and modifiers.
CQLSortNode(CQLNode subtree)

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